image: jhumpa lahiri |
Below you will find links to resources related to the content of the course. If you find a site that you believe should be included in this collection of resources, be sure to let me know. |
Purdue University Online Writing Lab
Also known as "OWL," Purdue's online writing lab is an excellent resource for writers. It offers handouts and materials covering everything from grammar to MLA style and documentation.
A Writer's Reference
The companion site to Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference, this site contains model essays in MLA format, information on research and documentation, as well as other resources.
An extensive resource, this site contains an abundance of searchable references, from the American Heritage Dictionary to Simpson's Contemporary Quotations.
Modern American Poetry
This companion site to the Anthology of Modern American Poetry provides biographies, sample poems, and criticism on a wealth of modern and contemporary poets.
The Academy of American Poets The Academy of American Poets presents poems, biographies of poets, historical and thematic poetry exhibits, events calendars, discussion forums, and much more.