image: city lights bookstore |
Welcome to English 102, an online course devoted to reading, understanding, interpreting, researching, and writing about traditional forms of literature, specifically fiction and poetry. Below, as well as on the side navigation menu of each page, you will find links to the major sections of the English 102 course website. I encourage you to read through all of the course material, beginning with the "Course Orientation," as an understanding of the nature, dynamics, and requirements of the course is essential to your success. |
Course Orientation
Including a discussion of online learning and technological requirements, this section is intended to familiarize you with the ins-and-outs of learning in an online environment.
Course Syllabus
The course syllabus contains textbook information, a description of the course, as well as the course requirements, policies, and grading system.
Course Schedule and Assignments This section contains the course schedule and assignments for the semester, including readings, paper topics, due dates, etc.
A major component in the course, the discussion board is the place to discuss, analyze, and pose questions about course readings, topics, and assignments.
This section contains answers to some of the more common questions related to the course.
This section contains links to online resources related to composition and literature.