All rough drafts and final drafts of essays must adhere to the MLA standards and guidelines outlined below. These standards and guidelines can be found in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
- Double-space everything
- Set document margins to 1" on all sides
- Number all of the pages of your essay; page numbers should be inserted in the upper right-hand corner of the page, one-half inch from the top
- Include your last name on all of the pages of your essay; your name should be inserted in the upper right-hand corner of the page, one-half inch from the top
- In the top left-hand corner, list the following information (in the following order): your name, my name, course number and section, and date
- Center the title of your essay just below the above list of information
- Begin the essay just below your title; indent five spaces
Here is a sample of the beginning of the first page of an essay that adheres to MLA standards and guidelines:

For specific instructions on using Microsoft Word to format a document to meet MLA standards and guidelines, please visit the following site: