=============================> COURSE INFO. EXAM AND QUIZZES OTHER ASSIGNMENTS BEGIN HERE: For each "Week" (i.e "Chapter") you will find:
All exams will be taken on the Harper campus in the Assessment Center (Testing Center), room A-148, phone 847-925-6541 [see: Assessment Center hours]. Exams should be taken during the week noted on the class schedule, or earlier. The exams will be taken on the computer through our Blackboard site. You will need to log in to your account to take the exam. You will need a picture ID.Each unit exam has 50 multiple choice questions. Each unit exam can be taken twice (the second exam will have different questions) and only the higher score will be included in the gradebook. Please do not take the retake on the same day that you took the exam. If you need to retake an exam then you need to study more first.
Exams will be based on material found on the Blackboard "ASSIGNMENTS: BEGIN HERE" link including the online videos, the web links, the instructor notes, and the assigned textbook and other readings. Our Blackboard site has an "EXAM STUDY GUIDES" link. Be sure to use them. Use the Blackboard Discussion Board if you have questions.
When going to the Testing Center be prepared to give the staff the following information:
- Picture ID
- Course number: GEG 100
- Instructor name: Mark Healy
- Test or map quiz number
- Whether the test is the first attempt or a retake (no retakes on map quizzes).
E-Mail instructor: mhealy@harpercollege.edu
Office: J-262
Phone: 847-925-6352
Home: 815-728-1571
Cell: 815-861-7265