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Students will complete the assigned worksheets (see course outline below), STAPLE them together, and mail them in a10 inch by 13 inch (10"x13") manilla envelope to the instructor at this address:
Mark Healy
3718 E. Lake Shore Dr.
Wonder Lake, IL 60097

Include the following in your 10"x13" envelope:

  • all materials listed under "Items To Hand In" for each chapter. You will take the appropriate pages out of your textbook . See the "ASSIGNMENTS: BEGIN HERE" link on Blackboard


  • a 9"x12" manilla envelope, self-addressed on a Harper address label (address labels will be distributed at the on-campus orientation or sent to students with their first assignment).
    • NOTE: the Harper address label, with YOUR address, goes on the 9"x12" manilla envelope. This envelope is then put inside the 10"x13" envelope and mailed to your instructor


include a self-addressed 9" x 12" envelope with the Harper address label