Unit 4: Labor and Efficiency: Resource Markets, Inequality, and Immigration

Lesson 22a: Immigration

Key Problems

Simple Immigration Model

Illegal Immigration Model


Economic Effects of Immigration - The Simple Immigration Model

See the assumptions below, then answer these questions:

1. How many will migrate from the low wage country X to the high wage country Y?
2. What happens to the wage rate in X and in Y?
3. What happens to output in X, in Y, and total output?
4. What would happen to output if initially there was unemployment in low wage country X?
5. How do remittances affect low wage country X?


1. Dx is the demand for labor in country X. Dy is the demand for labor in country Y.
2. Before migration the labor force in country X is 5 and the labor force in country Y is 2.
3. Neither country has any unemployment.
4. Migration (1) has no costs, (2) occurs only in response to wage differentials, and (3) is unimpeded by law in both countries.
5. Labor markets and product markets are competitive so D
L = MRP = VMP = P x MP



Impact of Illegal workers in a Low Wage Market - The Illegal Immigration Model



1) Employers in this market are willing and able to ignore minimum wage laws;
2) Sd represents the supply of domestically-born and legal immigrant workers;
3) St represents the total supply of workers in this labor market (St = Sd + illegal immigrants);
4) Unless otherwise stated, illegal immigration is not effectively blocked by the government.

1. Refer to the above figure. The equilibrium wage and level of employment are, respectively:

1. $5.50 and 250,000
2. $5.50 and 350,000
3. $8.00 and 350,000
4. $5.50 and 450,000

2. Refer to the above figure. How many domestically-born and legal immigrant workers will be hired at equilibrium?

1. 200,000
2. 250,000
3. 350,000
4. 450,000

3. Refer to the above figure. How many illegal immigrant workers will be hired at equilibrium?

1. 200,000
2. 250,000
3. 350,000
4. 450,000

4. Refer to the above figure. If the government effectively prevents illegal immigrants from working in this labor market, the equilibrium wage and level of employment are, respectively:

1. $5.50 and 250,000
2. $5.50 and 350,000
3. $8 and 350,000
4. $5.50 and 450,000

5. Refer to the above figure. Assume initially that government does not effectively block illegal immigration. If the government then finds a way to prevent all illegal immigrants from working in this labor market:

1. 100,000 domestically-born workers will gain employment at the expense of 200,000 illegal immigrants.
2. 200,000 domestically-born workers will gain employment at the expense of 200,000 illegal immigrants.
3. 100,000 domestically-born workers will gain employment at the expense of 250,000 illegal immigrants.
4. 100,000 domestically-born workers will gain employment at the expense of 100,000 illegal immigrants.



Lesson 22a