Land Animals
1. Animal has no legs, worm-likeEarthworms
Animal has no legs, body is fleshy and slimy, shell may be present (Snails & Slugs)Mollusks
Large worm-like animal with scales and a prominent mouthSnakes
Animal has legsGo to #2
2. Animal has more than 20 legs, long organismCentipedes & Millipedes
Animal has 10-16 legs and an oval shape (Roly Polys)Sow bugs
Animal has 8 legs (Arachnids)Go to #3
Animal has 4 legs (may include wings or arms)Go to #4
Animal has 6 legs (Insects)Go to #5
![]() sow bugs |
![]() centipedes |
![]() millipedes |
3. Animal with body in 2 distinct sections with 8 legsSpiders
Animal with body that appears to be 1 globular part with very long legs
(Daddy Longlegs)Harvestmen
(Daddy Longlegs)Harvestmen
Animal with body that appears to be in 1 part, frequently flattened, with short legsTicks & Mites
![]() harvestmen |
![]() ticks |
![]() mites |
4. Animals with moist skin or scales (Frogs, Salamanders, and Turtles)Reptiles & Amphibians
Animals ranging in size from the size of your thumb up to 100 pounds with fur
Animals with feathers that flyLand Birds
Very large birds and mammals that are rarely seen in this area
(They could turn up, but no one will believe you without proof.)Pre-1850 and Hypothetical Species
(They could turn up, but no one will believe you without proof.)Pre-1850 and Hypothetical Species
5. Insects with wingsGo to #6
Insects with no wings, hard bodies with small legs and usually a well defined head
Insect Larvae
Insect Larvae
Soft, overstuffed larvae with 3 pairs of legs and different “pro-legs” further backCaterpillars
Long and skinny insects with very long legsWalking Sticks
Flat insect with large pinchers on the end of the abdomenEarwigs
Insects with constrictions between all three body regions, small sizeAnts
![]() insect larvae |
![]() walking sticks |
![]() earwigs |
6. Winged insects with wings and large jumping legsGrasshoppers, Katydids, & Crickets
Insects with prominent wings held out sideways or vertically above the abdomenGo to #7
Insects with wings held flat or slightly above the abdomenGo to #8
7. Insects with long, straight wings held out sideways at a 90° angle (Dragonflies)Dragonflies & Damselflies
Insects with elongate wings held vertically up and over the abdomen
(Damselflies)Dragonflies & Damselflies
(Damselflies)Dragonflies & Damselflies
Insects with triangular wings held up over the abdomen with long filaments
extending out of the abdomenMayflies
extending out of the abdomenMayflies
Insects with large flat wings, usually opaque and colored with scales
or hairs, smaller than a quarterSmall Butterflies, Moths, & Caddisflies
or hairs, smaller than a quarterSmall Butterflies, Moths, & Caddisflies
Insects with large flat wings, usually opaque and colored with scales,
larger than a quarter, mouth parts coiled and tubularLarge Butterflies & Moths
larger than a quarter, mouth parts coiled and tubularLarge Butterflies & Moths
![]() damselflies |
![]() mayflies |
8. Large insects with raptorial legs for grabbing preyPraying Mantises
Insects with large paddle-like wings with many veins visible in the wingGo to #9
Insects not as aboveGo to #10
9. Large, flat oval insects with paddle-like wingsRoaches
Elongate insects with paddle-like wings and brown or green color
(Neuropterans)Lacewings and Fish Flies
(Neuropterans)Lacewings and Fish Flies
Small Insects with colored, paddle-like wings
(Caddisflies, Small Moths)Small Butterflies, Moths, & Caddisflies
(Caddisflies, Small Moths)Small Butterflies, Moths, & Caddisflies
![]() roaches |
![]() lacewings |
![]() caddisflies |
10. Insects with the first pair of wings hardened to cover the abdomen (Beetles)
Beetles that are predominantly blackBlack Beetles
Beetles that are predominantly brownBrown Beetles
Beetles that are predominantly red, yellow or orangeRed, Yellow & Orange Beetles
Other beetle typesMiscellaneous Beetles
Insects with ½ of their wings hardened (leather-like)
that make a two-toned look (Hemiptera)True Bugs
that make a two-toned look (Hemiptera)True Bugs
![]() true bugs |
![]() bee mimics |
![]() flies |
Insects that do not have hardened outer wingsGo to #11
11. Insects that have 3 distinct body regions that usually contain distinct constrictions
between the sections, 4 wings, and frequently are black and yellowWasps & Bees
between the sections, 4 wings, and frequently are black and yellowWasps & Bees
Insects without 3 constricted body regions, two wings usually held out at a 45° angle
from the abdomen, the abdomen and thorax usually look like one pieceGo to #12
from the abdomen, the abdomen and thorax usually look like one pieceGo to #12
12. Bee and wasp mimics with 2 wings that frequently hold their wings out
at a 45° degree angle over the abdomenBee & Wasp Mimics
at a 45° degree angle over the abdomenBee & Wasp Mimics
Typical flies, gnats, and mosquitoes, wings held directly over the abdomen
or at a 45° angle, wings usually clearFlies
or at a 45° angle, wings usually clearFlies
Typical bugs with pointed mouth parts (Homoptera)True Bugs