Harper College
Palatine, IL

PHI 205
Religions of the World


This course fulfills
the humanities
general education
requirement for all
schools covered by the
Illinois Articulation
Agreement. (all public
and most private
Illinois schools)











Hartman PHI 205 002: Introduces the teachings, practices, social structures and histories of the religions of India (mainly Buddhism and Hinduism), and China and Japan (mainly Confucianism, Shinto and Taoism), and of the Middle East (mainly Christianity, Islam and Judaism). MW 3:50-6:25 L218

Maass PHI 205 003: Examines the five major religions and their sectarian offshoots with emphasis upon distinctive theologies, liturgies and sacred texts. Each student is encouraged to visit a religious site outside his/her own tradition. A special section devoted to the Middle East conflict will also be offered. TR 7:50-10:25 L200

Peskind PHI 205 001:Introduces the teachings , practices, social structures & histories of the religions of India, China & Japan, & the Middle East. This is an academic study of religion, not a personal one. While this course is about the beliefs of the various major religions, it is not a course about believing in those religions. MW 7:50-10:25am L200

Williams PHI 205 004, 005: Introduces the world's major religious traditions. It surveys the teachings, practices & social structures of eight living religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity & Islam. This is a seminar style course so students must come with all assignments completed & ready to participate. PHI 205 004 TR 1:10-3:45 L222, PHI 205 005 TR 6:30-9:05 pm L216


To check availability go to
the summer course schedule.


Summer 2004

Philosophy Home Page

Phone: 847-925-6780
Fax: 847-925-6039

Email: cburns@harpercollege.edu,

William  Rainey Harper College