Harper College
Palatine, IL

PHI 115


This course fulfills
the humanities
general education
requirement for all
schools covered by the
Illinois Articulation
Agreement. (all public
and most private
Illinois schools)











Brown PHI 115 003, 004: This course engages students in ethical thinking, in order to perfect the skill by which they search for moral principles to serve as guides for conduct. The schedule alternates between explanation of ethical theories & discussion of concrete, moral problems. PHI 115 003 TR 7:50-10:25 L 216, PHI 115 004 1:10-3:45 L220

Larkin PHI 115 005:Consideration of problems of value and conduct, including the question of the "good life" or happiness; and contemporary moral issues such as war, violence, drugs, racism, crime and punishment. MW 6:30-9:05 H237

Solheim PHI 115 001, 002: Why should we be moral? On what basis should we assess right and wrong? What are the elements of the best kind of life? In this course we will examine such questions in the context of major ethical theories and contemporary moral problems. PHI 115 001 MW 7:50-10:25 L314, PHI 115 002 MW 1:10-3:45 L222

Ullman PHI 115 006: An introduction to some of the problems of ethics, including the nature of morality, criteria for evaluating choices & actions, ancient & modern theories of the moral life & of social responsibility.TR 6:30-9:05pm L314


To check availability go to
the summer course schedule.


Summer 2004

Philosophy Home Page

Phone: 847-925-6780
Fax: 847-925-6039

Email: cburns@harpercollege.edu,

William  Rainey Harper College