Harper College
Palatine, IL

PHI 105
Introduction to Philosophy


This course fulfills
the humanities
general education
requirement for all
schools covered by the
Illinois Articulation
Agreement. (all public
and most private
Illinois schools)











Garcia PHI 105 080 (2nd 4 weeks): What is courage? What does it mean to be a friend? What is the purpose of education? Is there more to the world than just what we see? These are questions first asked by Plato. Several of Plato's works will be read and discussed. Students should be prepared to work and to be active participants in class. MTWR 10:30-1:05 L216

Hartman PHI 105 003: Principles and problems of philosophy as seen in different schools of thought. Topics: validity of human knowledge; nature of reality; mind and body; free will and determination; moral and aesthetic values; and religious belief. MW 6:30-9:05 pm L222

Martin PHI 105 001: Emphasis will be placed on the ideals of clarity & humility of thought. Confronts the notion that Truth, Goodness, & Beauty are not merely relative or subjective. MW 1:10-3:45 L220

Pankey PHI 105 002: Principles and problems of philosophy as seen in different schools of thought. Topics: validity of human knowledge; nature of reality; mind and body; free will and determinism; moral and aesthetic values; and religious belief. TR 7:50-10:25 am L314

Picchi PHI 105 004: Consideration of familiar philosophical problems & considerations, including ethics, aesthetics, theories of knowledge & metaphysics. Some topics are the nature of reality, truth, God & morality. TR 6:30-9:05 L304

Provenzola PHI 105 070 (first 4 weeks): A survey course covering the major areas of philosophy like the nature of reality, knowledge & justification, Does God exist?, logic, ethics, political philosophy & aesthetics. MTWR 10:30-1:05 L216



To check availability go to
the summer course schedule.


Summer 2004

Philosophy Home Page

Phone: 847-925-6780
Fax: 847-925-6039

Email: cburns@harpercollege.edu,

William  Rainey Harper College