Harper College
Palatine, IL

PHI 101
Critical Thinking


This course fulfills
the humanities
general education
requirement for all
schools covered by the
Illinois Articulation
Agreement. (all public
and most private
Illinois schools)










Greenberg PHI 101 002: Arguments and their parts, Informal fallacies, Problem solving, Definitions, Evaluating media, Assessing credibility of sources, and Scientific reasoning. MW 6:30-9:05 L216

Martin PHI 101 001: Arguments and their parts, Informal fallacies, Problem solving, Definitions, Evaluating media, Assessing credibility of sources, and Scientific reasoning. MW 10:30-1:05 L222


To check availability go to
the summer course schedule.


Summer 2004

Philosophy Home Page

Phone: 847-925-6780
Fax: 847-925-6039

Email: cburns@harpercollege.edu,

William  Rainey Harper College